Industrial Salon Schöneweide
Industrial Salon Schöneweide
(Sven Bock)
Discover Berlin's industrial culture in Schöneweide
The museum displays objects from the neighboring factory for television electronics ("Werk für Fernsehelektronik" - WF) - with around 9,000 employees it was the former largest production plant in East Berlin. The exhibition offers an overview of the factory's wide product range with a focus on electron tubes and their application - from the first electronic organ to the jamming transmitter in the Cold War. The visitor center is the starting point for exploring the "industrial city of Schöneweide". Guided tours are offered to make industrial history an experience: From the authentic places of the historic "AEG City" to the combined enterprises of the GDR - up to the present location in upheaval - in the field of tension between the heritage protected as a historical monument and the demands on the future "Smart City". Exhibitions and events in the Industrial Salon invite you to make new discoveries about local and Berlin industrial culture.
Certified in the period
February 2022 - January 2025