German Sielhafen Museum

German Sielhafen Museum

The German Sielhafen Museum in Carolinensiel invites you on a journey back in time - to the days of the cargo sailors who sailed from Carolinensiel to Holland, England, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean and as far as the Black Sea. In three listed houses around the picturesque museum harbor, life in a sealing harbor village is brought to life: maritime living culture, ship craftsmanship, dike construction and coastal protection and sailing are just some of the exhibition topics. 

For general information please visit the website 

Certified in the period

May 2023 - April 2026

Accessibility certified People with walking disabilities Wheelchair users

Barrier-free information

Short Report as PDF

All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility tested - accessible for people with walking disabilities and partially accessible for people wheelchair users ".

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • There are three parking spaces for people with disabilities. One parking space is at least 350 cm wide and 550 cm long.
  • The parking space is 30 m away from the entrance.
  • The path in front of the entrance or from the parking lot to the entrance is not easy to walk and drive on due to the surface condition.
  • The entrance is accessible without steps.
  • All rooms and facilities usable by guests are accessible without steps or by elevator.
  • The elevator has a cabin size of 164 cm x 110 cm. The controls are not located on a horizontal control panel.
  • All public doors and passageways are at least 90 cm wide. There are no revolving or rotating doors.
  • The information counter with cash register is 106 cm high. There is no equivalent seated communication option.
  • The exhibits and related information can be viewed and read primarily while seated.
  • Guided tours are available for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users (advance reservations required).
  • Mobile or fixed seating is available for people with walking disabilities to use during the tour.
  • The entire route of the guided tour is step-free for wheelchair users.

Public toilet for people with disabilities 

  • The door opens inwards.
  • The manoeuvring spaces are:
    in front of the toilet and sink at least 150 cm x 150 cm;
    to the left of the toilet 103 cm x 45 cm;
    to the right of the toilet 48 cm x 55 cm. 
  • Both grab rails can be flipped-up.
  • The washbasin can be moved underneath.
  • The mirror is not visible when sitting.

Evaluation report: Download as PDF

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • In the event of an acoustic alarm (e.g. fire alarm), there is no visually perceptible flashing light or flashing signal in the building.
  • There is no audio induction loop.
  • An outgoing emergency call in the elevator is confirmed audibly, but not visually.
  • Information on the exhibits is provided in written form and partly displayed with pictures or in photorealistic representations, but not in German sign language.
  • There are no guided tours offered for people with hearing disabilities and deaf people (in sign language).

Evaluation report: Download as PDF

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • Assistance dogs are allowed.
  • There is no guidance system with indoor or outdoor floor indicators.
  • The entrance is visually contrasted to the surroundings, but not perceptible by a tactile change of the floor covering.
  • The controls and signs in the elevator are tactilely detectable. The stopping position is not announced by spoken commands.
  • The stairs have no rich in contrast step surfaces.
  • The well-lit exhibits contrast visually with their surroundings.
  • The exhibit signage is visually rich in contrast.
  • The information about the exhibits is partly conveyed acoustically, but is not tactile.
  • The information for orientation is provided in clearly legible font and is visually rich in contrast, but cannot be tactilely detected.
  • There are no guided tours offered for visually impaired and blind people.
  • Aids offered: reading aids

Evaluation report: Download as PDF

Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report at the end of the text.

  • Name and logo of the company are clearly visible from the outside.
  • The destination of the path usually is within sight or there is an uninterrupted guidance system.
  • There is no colored or pictorial guidance system.
  • The information on the exhibits is displayed photo realistically.
  • There is no information in easy language.
  • There are no guided tours offered in easy language for guests with cognitive impairments.

Evaluation report: Download as PDF