The Hainich is considered to be the largest contiguous area of deciduous forest in Germany. The mountain range is centrally located in Germany, in the west of Thuringia in the triangle formed by the towns of Mühlhausen, Eisenach and Bad Langensalza. Its southern half is occupied by the Hainich National Park.

"Primeval forest in the middle of Germany" is his personal motto, along with that of all German national parks: "Let nature be nature". In the Hainich National Park, both are part of the program, because here the forest is allowed to develop freely and unguided towards wilderness. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site "Ancient Beech Forests of Germany" since 2011. Beautiful circular hiking trails are an excellent way to discover it, the Hütscheroda wild cat village provides information about the forest's most prominent inhabitant, the wild cat, and at the Thiemsburg National Park Center with its treetop trail and root cave, visitors can peer into the jungle's roof and the earthworm's tunnel.

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